Sunday, January 27, 2013

Welding Spatter Clean Up Techniques

Sand small spatter with a file to level the spatter with the metal surface you welded. If the spatter is more than 1/16 inch in diameter, this method will take too long. Move to the next step.

Place a cold chisel at a 45-degree angle to the welded surface and butt it up against the spatter. Strike the top of the chisel with a hammer to chip the spatter off the metal object. Once you remove the bulk of the spatter, file down any residue. If you cannot remove the spatter with a chisel, move to the next step.


Heat the spatter with the torch you used to create the welds. This heat will liquefy the spatter. Slide the cold chisel across the surface of the spatter to remove it from the metal surface before it can have time to cool. File down any residue

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