Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MIG and its Gases

MIG Welding Gases.


                                               MIG Gas facts and Weld Gas Tips.

The sad influence of
salesmanship & MIG Gas Selection?

"On the subject of salesmanship and MIG gas mixes, a MIG
weld lie told often enough will eventually become the welding truth"

Ed Craig 1990:

Whenever you see a new "three" part gas mix for MIG welding carbon and stainless steels, you know the gas manufacturing marketing boys are doing their thing with the introduction of another, useless over priced MIG gas mix.
A MIG Weld Gas Reality: In a thirty minute practical weld demonstration, I could demonstrate that all the over priced, global three part gas mixes used for MIG welding carbon steels and stainless applications, will provide no practical weld quality, metallurgical or weld production benefits.
Please note this is a subject I have extensive expertise with. I was a key committee member that wrote the AWS A5.32 MIG - TIG Shielding Gas specifications.

As many of the AWS specification committees are made up of individuals that influence marketing decisions in their weld equipment / consumable manufacturing companies, a good portion of my efforts at the AWS gas spec meetings was trying to minimize the marketing sales hype that some of the gas committee members wanted to introduce into the MIG gas specification.

At the AWS gas specification meetings, exaggerated claims about a specific companies three part wonder gas would be discussed each time the committee got together. Three part and even four part MIG gas mix suggestions were in abundance. I was not completely successful in my quest for a none product biased AWS MIG gas specification, however over time I did eliminate an enormous amount of gas flatulence and gas mix product bias from the AWS MIG gas specifications.

In the weld gas business, you are never more than
one arms length away from sales BS.
Ed during a time out at an AWS MIG gas
Specification Committee meeting in the 1993.

Weld shops take note: From the global, industrial gas confusion
comes the opportunity for increased gas profits.

I should know a little about MIG gas sales bias and customer product ignorance, I worked in the industrial gas business as a training or product manager for Praxair (Linde), Liquid Carbonic, Air Gas, and AGA.

Immerse a low cost commodity like industrial welding gases in lies, ignorance, sales hype and general weld shop confusion and you will increase your customer base and attain higher prices. Gases are really fun to learn about.

What do you know about MIG gas mixes?
Why not try the MIG gas test

The MIG Welding Gas Test:


2000: In the last three decades the biggest selling gas mix in North America for MIG, stainless gage applications, has been a helium tri mix gas containing
90 helium - 7.5 argon and 2.5% CO2.

The weld reality was this costly, Helium tri-mix was unnecessary for most thin gauge applications and this gas mix was the cause of many MIG stainless gage welding issues.

In the 1980s, Ed developed a MIG Gas Solution
for stainless. and duplex, 98% Ar - 2% CO2.

To confuse the weld industry he called
his simple 2 component gas mix. STAIN MIX.

During the nineteen eighties, I carried out extensive, stainless MIG gas weld research for a company called AGA. When I examined the common denominators of the weld issues that occurred with MIG short circuit, on stainless thin gage welds, I found three primary weld issues that were prominent with the MIG process.

Weld issue 1. "Distortion"
Weld issue 2. "Oxidation"
Weld issue 3. "Burn through"

The common denominator of the three weld issues is "weld heat" and yet at that time in the late eighties, when welding thin gage stainless, for more than two decades the North American weld industry had been using the Helium Tri Mix, the world's hottest gas mix. The tri mix mix contained 90% He - 7.5% Ar - 2.5% CO2. The Helium Tri-Mix was developed by Union Carbide. What most people don't realize is that the Union Carbide research people developed this gas mix for short circuit on gage parts > 0.100.
In the control of weld heat related issues, it's illogical to use the world's hottest gas mix.

As with many weld research subjects, all the weld options were not included and the Union Carbide helium tri gas research was not complete. The gas research that introduced the helium tri mix for the thicker gage welds, did not include using low end spray transfer on the > 2.5 mm gage parts they used to test the tri-mix gas. Even in the nineteen sixties, all the weld personnel had to do when MIG welding thick gage parts, was simply use a two part gas mix and an 0.035 wire, then change the MIG parameters to low spray transfer settings. Without the use of helium, the spray mode would provide all the energy required for the welds. However In 1968 as in 2010 the majority of weld personnel would not have known the low spray parameters required for stainless gage welds in the 2 to 3 mm range.

Back to the 1980s: With a few weeks of weld research at AGA, I eventually found that the real solution to the heat related weld issues on stainless parts < 2.5 mm. I took all the helium out of the tri-mix leaving me with argon 2.5% CO2. I knew the 0.5% CO2 made no difference to the welds, so I ended up with a mix containing argon - 2% CO2. Keeping the CO2 content under 5%, ensured no carbon pick up in the stainless welds. I marketed the gas with different companies using brand names such as StainMix and Stainless Mix and Stain - Duplex MIX.

The argon - 2% CO2 mix is ideal for all stainless short circuit welds using 0.035 wires and welding gages <2.5mm. For welding thicker gages, these welds should be made with the same gas using pulsed with 0.045 wires, or low spray with 0.035 wires.

MIG Welding Gas Feedback

E-mail:Hello Mr. Craig.

I would like to thank you for the excellent information on your website, I'm a 4th year welding engineering student at Penn College of Technology. I'm currently knee deep in my internship. With the help of your information I was able to convince management to switch from the helium tri-mix to 98-2 argon-CO2 mix for 300 series stainless steel MIG welds, I'm also currently running tests to demonstrate that running 100% CO2 is probably not the most economical situation for structural steel welds (3/16 angle iron). Thank you again for all the information on your site, I've been introducing welding process control and theory information to increase efficiency both in engineering and fabrication.

Ed's Mix. 98% Argon - 2% CO2.
Stainless / Duplex Short Circuit Weld Benefits:

Argon - 2% CO2 benefits on "gage parts": In contrast to the higher energy and higher voltages required from a 90% helium 7.5%% Ar - 2.5% CO2 tri-mix, the much lower cost and more gas in the cylinder, argon - 2% CO2 mix, will when short circuit or pulsed welding thin gage (<2.5 mm) stainless;

[a] reduce weld burn through potential,
[b] reduce weld distortion potential,
[c] reduce weld oxidation potential,
[d] reduce the potential for all forms of weld cracking.
[e] reduce volt requirements more comfortable for the welder,
[f] reduce stainless weld fumes,

NEXT STEP ELIMINATE 98 ARGON 2 OXYGEN FOR SPRAY: After I finished my gas research on stainless gage parts, I then turned my gas research attention to MIG spray transfer on thicker stainless applications which for a few decades were typically MIG welded with the common 98% Ar - 2% oxygen mix. Please remember in the early eighties we did not have pulsed equipment that worked for two days in a row without doing something weird.

Ed's Mix. 98% Argon - 2% CO2. Stainless / Duplex.
Pulsed and Spray Weld Benefits:


For more than four decades in North America, argon 2 to 5% oxygen were the most common MIG gas mixes sold for welding stainless steel spray applications. For MIG welding stainless alloys which should be "protected from an oxygen atmosphere", the argon oxygen mixes were and still are a poor choice.

For MIG welding > 3 mm stainless welds, I examined the differences between my low oxidizing argon - 2% CO2 mix and the traditional argon 2 - 5 % oxygen mixes commonly used for spray and pulsed MIG applications.

( Note: It's important to remember that one percent oxygen is approx. ten time more oxidizing than one percent CO2.)

Argon - 2% oxygen Spray fillet on 304 Stainless:

Nov 2008: For decades and still today, MIG Gas manufacturers and distributors recommend
argon - oxy mixes for stainless spray and pulsed applications. If you want to part of the real weld world and reduce the oxidation potential and produce cleaner spray and pulsed MIG stainless welds, try my argon 2% CO2 mix, by the way it's only been available for twenty years.

ARGON 2% CO2 SPRAY / PULSED BENEFITS: In contrast to the traditional argon - oxy mixes, an
argon 2 % CO2 mix results in cleaner, (less oxidized) welds on stainless spray or pulsed spray applications. The weld oxide reduction from the argon 2 CO2 mix is especially notable when welding parts > 4 mm.

ARGON 2% CO2 SPRAY / PULSED BENEFITS: In contrast to argon - oxy mixes, the
argon 2% CO2 mix is very beneficial on multipass stainless welds. With multipass welds the build up of oxidation elements and surface slags can result in excess weld porosity or unnaceptable inclusions. The argon 2% CO2 mix is a logical choice for MIG short circuit, pulsed or spray welds on food industry applications in which the weld surface cleanliness is important.

Note: In contrast to argon oxy mixes, when using an argon - 2% CO2 mix, on spray or pulsed applications, > 4 mm thick, you can expect cleaner welds, however when welding thinner gages keep in mind that most of the black or gray weld surface oxidation is occurring from the reaction of heated thin parts and the parts reaction with the oxygen in the atmosphere.

2008: It's taken more than 20 years, but today some gas companies, consumable and weld equipment manufacturers like Miller are now recommending my argon 2% CO2 mix for stainless
or duplex alloys.


What's good for the welding goose should be good for the welding gander. An important weld issue neglected by the suppliers of electrodes and the person who provide weld specifications is an issue which should have a great influence on the so called acceptance level of CO2 in a MIG gas when used for welding "L" grade stainless.

While engineers worry about the influence of CO2 on the carbon content of a stainless weld, they allow the stick process (SMAW), low carbon stainless electrodes to have a higher level of carbon content than the equivalent MIG electrode wires.

I believe it's difficult for the manufacturers of low carbon stainless SMAW electrodes to get the carbon to levels <0.030%, which is the amount specified for the low carbon stainless MIG wires. However this electrode chemistry flexibility creates a ridiculous double standard from stainless weld consumable manufacturers, and from an engineering perspective its simply unacceptable. My argon - 2% CO2 mix does not change the carbon content of a weld made with a low carbon electrode

USA 1990s: Ed developed these three gas mixes which were optimum
for the majority of all steel, stainless and aluminum applications.
Note Ed's simple gas marketing approach which indicated
to the customers, what the MIG gas cylinders should be used for, this was a first in the global gas industry.
When that new gas mix is wheeled into the weld shop, the weld supervisor may pass the buck and say "let the welders test the mix".

Ask ten welders including the weld supervisor, the weld parameter difference between an argon 20% CO2 mix and an argon 2% oxygen mix and you will get a glazed look from 20 eyes and 10 different answers.
Should weld decision makers understand MIG weld
gas mixes. Why not try this MIG Weld Gas Test:

MIG Welding Gas Reality Check.

That new MIG gas mix wheeled into the weld shop every six months is often viewed as the crutch that will hopefully be the solution to the many MIG issues that daily occur in the shop. With MIG welding, there simply is no reason to try a new gas once a month or for gas confusion.

You will never need more than a two component argon CO2 gas mix for all short circuit, spray and pulsed spray applications on the majority of carbon steels, low alloy steels, nickel alloys and stainless steels.

A two component, argon CO2 mix, used with the correct MIG data and consumables, can provide the highest weld productivity and meet the weld mechanical, property requirements of the most stringent ASTM / ASME / API weld specifications.

Carbon Steels and MIG Gas Selection:

Spray transfer occurs on steels and stainless applications with specific argon mixes and minimum, narrow weld parameter range. You have achieved spray when weld droplets smaller than the wire diameter or a weld stream cascades across an open arc. Depending on the spray transfer weld parameters used, the weld stream could also be a combination of both weld drops and stream.

Pulsed Spray transfer occurs on steels and stainless with straight argon or argon mixes and specific, wide range of pulsed weld parameters. You have achieved controlled pulsed when weld droplets smaller than the wire diameter cascade, uninterrupted (a rareity) across an open arc.

Spray Transfer MIG Gas Myth.

If you had been around weld shops in the 1980s - 1990s perhaps you read an erroneous MIG gas statement somewhere that states, "you cannot get spray transfer with an argon - 15 to 25% CO2 gas mix"

1990: Weld Reality Fact. For thirty plus years, Lincoln, Miller, BOC,Hobart, Liquid Air, Air Products, Liquid Carbonic and almost everyone else in North America who made MIG welding equipment, consumables and weld gases, all stated in either their weld books or promotional MIG literature, "that you could not get MIG spray transfer on carbon steel welds with using more than 10 or 15% CO2 with any MIG electrode diameter.

The so called welding experts at these large weld equipment and consumable companies must have never worn a welding shield when evaluating the spray transfer mode. The weld reality is if you know what you are doing, with specific wire diameters, you can get spatter free spray transfer welds with argon - 25% CO2, however why use this mix when lower CO2 provides superior transfer at more manageable weld parameters.

MIG Gas Fact: Any global weld shop that uses the 75 Ar - 25% CO2
mix, is a weld shop without weld management.

For those who doubt that with an argon mix containing 25% CO2, spray transfer is not attainable why not put on a welding shield, after all seeing is believing.

For this MIG gas test, the object is produce a 1/4, 6 mm fillet weld on >3/8 (>9mm) plate. Using a 350 amp power source or larger. Set an "0.045 (1.2mm)" MIG wire feed rate at 450 in./min (11.4m/min), or place your none digital wire feed control at the 2 o'clock position. Important, to attain spray transfer with 25% CO2, you will require a higher than normal spray transfer weld voltage, typically 32 to 36 volts is required, (make sure the power source has this capability). The high weld voltages required for the spray mode with the 25% CO2 will produce spray transfer in which the weld droplets and stream are smaller than the wire diameter.

The prime negative attribute of using argon - 25% CO2, is the high amount of CO2 provides high energy and requires high weld voltages. The resulting high arc heat and weld heat can be uncomfortable for welders. Also with 25% CO2, the high weld fluidity that results may cause issues such as undercut or poor weld puddle control on specific welds.

Note: With an 0.035 (1 mm) MIG wire, consistent spray transfer "is not attainable with argon - 25% CO2". Spray transfer is however attainable with the 0.035 wire when using argon mixes with < 20% CO2.


Reducing the CO2 gas content in an argon mix to a maximum of 20% for carbon steel welds, brings the transition current down and also brings the required spray welding voltages down to comfortable weld levels in which 25 to 32 weld volts for spray transfer with 0.035 - 0.045 (1 - 1.2 mm) wires is typical.

1988 or 2008. When will the
MIG weld industry grow up?

When confusion reigns in a welding shop, everyone typically looks for a quick solution and in comes that salesman with the magician's approach to weld problems that would not occur if the weld shop had management or supervison weld process expertise.
In the last few decades, you did not have to look far to find a gas sales rep, ready to introduce you to his companies new 3 part MIG gas mix and in 2010, what's changed?

The next picture is a gas company advertisement in a welding magazine.

The gas company wants to believe that it's "MIG gas mixes are special"
and will provide your organization with special weld benefits.
Take that cape off the cylinder, get rid of the Sales Bovine Fecal Matter
and any MIG gas mix should simply be a low cost commodity.

Providing that so called "unique" three part gas mix for carbon steel and stainless welds enables the gas manufactures and distributors to dream up glossy brochures which enable them to attain new MIG gas accounts and generate higher gas prices and profits on what should be low cost commodity products.

Build a gas plant and bingo you have access to the world's greatest free commodity "air" All the argon, oxygen and nitrogen you will ever need pulled out of the atmosphere at very low costs. All you then need is a a distribution system, a marketing manager, glossy brochures full of unfounded or exaggerated weld claims, add a few salesmen into the pot and then direct them to find thousands of gullible weld customers who will pay a premium for the three or four part gas mixes.

Gas company executives love annual bonuses and share holders need to see growth, so each year, the pressure is on the gas marketing guru to invent unique MIG gas feature benefits, or come up with a new three or four part gas mix to justify the higher gas prices charged.


Carbon Steels and MIG
Tri-Mix Gas Facts.

GAS SALES HAVE DONE THEIR JOB: For the last two decades, one the most widely marketed gas mixes promoted in North America for MIG welding carbon steels, is a tri-mix containing
argon - 5 - 10% CO2 and 1-2% O2.

3 Part Gas Mixes and Weld Reality.

Up to the end of the nineteen eighties, the industrial gas marketing and sales focus was placed on converting straight CO2 users to more cost effective argon mixes. With the competition for the highly profitable gas business, the two part mixes quickly turned to three part and four part mixes.

Fact: Every three and four part mix ever sold for MIG welding carbon steels and stainless offers nothing that cannot be achieved with two part gas mixes and a little MIG weld process control expertise.
In contrast to the lower cost, two part argon CO2 mixes, the three part argon - CO2 - oxy mixes used for carbon steels, offer "no practical weld benefits that can be measured" in terms of weld quality, weld metallurgy or weld productivity.

Have you noticed since the introduction of three part MIG gas mixes, the lack of welding articles on this subject. Have you also noted that when some one does write an article on the cloudy, MIG weld gas subject, the author typically represent the gas company that's trying to promote the
three part mystery gas product.

The gas reality of adding Oxygen to Argon CO2. Thanks to process ignorance in weld shops, gas marketing lies and salesmen that lack weld process expertise, three part mixes containing argon / CO2 / Oxy are huge sellers in North America. If you take an argon CO2 mix and add oxygen to that mix, you simply "increase the weld oxidation potential" and lower the unique weld energy potential .

The oxygen addition in the three part gas mixes will influence the weld root fusion profile. When you add oxy typically a narrow finger penetration profile is produced, influenced by the lower energy narrow plasma, and lower weld energy .

The narrow finger fusion weld profile freezes rapidly trapping the oxygen gas oxide reactions, increasing the weld porosity potential. Remember a primary purpose of a gas mix is to prevent oxygen and nitrogen from entering the welds.

2008" Apart from the 40 years that I have evaluated MIG gas mixes, perhaps you would like another point of view. Back in the nineteen sixties, the British Welding Institute, (at that time an unbiased research organization), carried out MIG gas research. The MIG gas research indicated in contrast to argon mixes with 5 to 20% CO2, three component gas mixes containing argon - CO2 - oxygen when used for welding carbon steels "provided no practical weld benefits". The conclusion, when adding oxygen to an argon CO2 mix simply lowers the weld energy lowering the weld fusion potential increasing weld porosity potential.

Tri Mix Welding gas cost facts your
welding distributor may not tell you:

ARGON - CO2. 5-10% - OXY. 1-2%.





If you still believe a 3 part gas mix is necessary for welding carbon steels give me a call, I am looking for investors to buy a boat business in the middle of Kansas. If you need more convincing my 600 page "Management Guide To MIG" book has more than 100 pages on MIG Gas Reality for all applications.

If the world's supply of oxygen was lost to the welding industry
tomorrow, it would have zero impact on MIG welding.

The weld reality. In the MIG welding industry there has never been a need for MIG gas mixes that contain oxygen, however their has always been a great need for industrial gas companies to sell their abundant supply of oxygen and increase their gas margins through the sale of three part gas mixes containing oxy. E. Craig 1991.


Ed's Mix. 85% Argon - 15% CO2.
Carbon and low alloy steel applications.

Argon - 15% CO2:

Applications: Great multipurpose MIG gas mix: Use with short circuit, spray, pulsed spray modes. Also for "all position" flux cored welds on carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless, Inconel and duplex.

From the nineteen seventies to the early nineteen nineties, argon CO2 MIG mixes were few. The most popular two mixes were argon - 8 % CO2 and argon - 25% CO2.
Argon - 20% CO2 was a common mix sold in Europe before it was introduced by AGA in the US. Today argon 20% CO2 is a common mix, however it's not uncommon with some distributors to get more of the lower cost CO2 than you ask for in the cylinder and many of the 20% CO2 mixes end up with > 25% CO2.

In the early 1980s while with AGA I introduced a logical gas mix Argon - 15% CO2. This CO2 content allowed for less opportunity for the MIG gas contents to go over 23% CO2 which affects the formation of spray transfer with an 0.035 (1mm wire. In contrast to argon - 20% CO2. This gas mix enables a slightly lower weld voltage and provides improved weld puddle control with spray applications.

An argon - 15% CO2 mix is without question the best "high energy, multipurpose gas mix" for most job shops, structural steel shops, heavy fabrication shops, pressure vessel or any shops that manual MIG and flux cored weld carbon steel plate thicker than 1/4 (>6mm).

The argon 15% CO2 mix is superior to argon - 10% CO2 when spray transfer is used on steels that have mill scale, primers, surface contaminates and galvanealed, galvanized / coatings.

In contrast to argon - 25% CO2 which cannot provide spray with an 0.035 wire, the argon - 15% CO2 gas mix provides stable spray.

With short circuit on gage applications < 2 mm, the argon - 15% CO2 gas mix is superior to argon 25% CO2 as it can reduce weld burn - through potential.

The argon 15% CO2 gas mix provides optimum weld results when used with all position welds using gas shielded flux cored electrodes welding carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless, duplex and Inconel.

The argon 15% CO2 mix is also beneficial for robot or mechanized "high speed" welds on metals
> 4mm. In contrast to three part mixes containing argon - CO2 - oxygen, argon oxygen mixes or argon <15% CO2 mixes, the higher voltages required for this mix and the higher dissociation (HIGH ENERGY) properties of CO2 assist in stabilizing the arc and provide superior weld penetration.

Argon 10% CO2.


Compatible mix range. CO2. 8 - 12%.

Applications: Best low energy MIG gas mix for spray and or "pulsed" carbon steel and low alloy steels welds on < 7 mm components. On many robot or manual carbon steel welded parts, the weld heat from high wire feed spray or pulsed welds can cause, distortion, weld burn through or excess weld fluidity causing weld undercut or oxidation. The fact that this gas provides lower energy than higher CO2 mixes makes it beneficial for these applications.

What is really interesting about this medium energy gas mix is that its also the best choice for welding thick steels as long as the mill scale and other surface contaminates are removed.

When spray transfer welding horizontal fillets larger than 6 mm, or multi-pass fillet welds in which the weld heat buildup is notable, the welder is aware of the high weld fluidity. Weld fluidity increases as the CO2 content of the gas increases. Argon with 15 or 20% CO2 produces welds with more fluidity than argon with 10% CO2. So if you want improved weld control remember this point.

With this same logic, if you are using the 10% CO2 mix with the pulsed / spray process on steels > 6 mm thick and you need more weld fusion , change the gas to a higher CO2 mix such as 15 - 20% CO2 mix.

Ed's Mix. 98% Argon - 2% CO2.
Argon - 2% CO2.


Composition Range. 1.5 - 2.5% CO2.

I developed this unique stainless MIG gas mix while at AGA in the nineteen eighties. This very low oxidizing mix is suited for all MIG short circuit, spray and pulsed on all stainless / duplex weld and clad applications.

I would also recommend this mix for anyone MIG welding very thin carbon steel and low alloy steels, gauges < 0.040. Do not use this mix with any flux cored wires or with GTAW applications.

When welding stainless short circuit applications, forget the common, more costly 90 helium - 7.5 argon - 2.5 CO2 tri mix, a premium priced gas mix that the major gas suppliers love to sell, instead use this lower cost, more effective argon 2% CO2 mixes.

COMPARE WITH HELIUM TRI- MIX? In contrast to the more costly, higher energy, helium tri-mix, the argon - 2% CO2 mix when used on thin gage applications can provide;

[1] less part distortion,
[2] less weld burn through potential,
[3] less contact tip issues,
[4] improved arc stability,
[5] lower cost gas,
[6] more gas in the cylinders,
[7] less opportunity for stress corrosion cracks, hot crack, and micro cracks.

COMPARE WITH ARGON - OXYGEN MIX? In contrast to the argon oxygen MIG mix recommended by all the gas companies for stainless spray and pulsed applications, my argon 2% CO2 mix can result in less oxidized, cleaner MIG spray or pulsed welds with less weld porosity potential.

Note: When used for "low carbon" stainless applications, the carbon content in the weld will be acceptable with this low CO2 gas mix for all short circuit, pulsed and spray stainless applications.

Ed's Mix. 98% Argon - 2% CO2 - 1 % Nitrogen.

Argon - 2% CO2 - 1% Nitrogen.

Mixing range. Nitrogen 0.75 to 1.75%

Suited to MIG Duplex Applications.

Mixing range. CO2 1.5 - 2.5%.

I developed this special MIG mix in the early nineteen nineties. On many duplex applications, the stainless gas argon 2% CO2 mix is sufficient. However if you need to increase your duplex mechanical MIG weld properties you should try this mix.

In many instances three part mixes are nothing more than a sales tool, however when MIG welding duplex, a touch of nitrogen in the MIG mix can be beneficial.

DUPLEX AND CO2 CONTENT: Again note the very low CO2 content, enough to stabilize without oxidation or carbon pick up concerns.

DUPLEX AND NITROGEN CONTENT: When added to a weld, a small amount of nitrogen can be a potent austenite stabilizer. The addition of nitrogen to the duplex weld / steel will promote structural hardening by a solid solution mechanism. The small nitrogen addition therefore can raise both the yield strength and ultimate strengths of the duplex without impairing toughness. The low CO2, combined with the benefits of low nitrogen content, truly make this gas mix unique.

This mix will also provide stable short circuit, pulsed and spray transfer. If you are using short circuit, STT or RMD for pipe roots, first try the stainless duplex gas listed above, (argon 2 CO2). If the Duplex root or fill pass weld mechanical properties need to be increased try this gas mix.

If more weld fluidity is need for pulsed MIG or spray transfer on fillet welds and pipe fill passes on those duplex applications welds, try the following gas mix recommended for the MIG Nickel applications

Using the flux cored wires for duplex, use the argon 18 - 25 % CO2 mixes.

It's beneficial with cylinders that contain very small amounts of a gas, if the cylinders contain dip tubes for complete gas mixing. I would order this gas mix through a specially gas supplier and ask for a certificate of composition compliance.

Ed's Mix. 59% Argon - 40% Helium - 1 % CO2.
Nickel Applications.

Argon - 40%Helium - 1% CO2:

Mix range. CO2. 0.75 to 1.5%.

Note: The low CO2 content must be carefully mixed and controlled. Order cylinders with dip tubes. Pay a little more and order from specially gas facility to ensure the mix is correct.

This is when you can benefit from a tri-mix. I developed this very unique mix in the nineteen eighties. How many of you have read in welding literature that when MIG welding nickel alloys, the gas mix cannot utilize a reactive component like oxygen or carbon dioxide. For decades this was another welding myth that had a negative impact on companies that MIG welded nickel alloy applications.

When using the recommended straight argon for Nickel applications with MIG spray or pulsed welds, the wire feed range was restricted, lack of weld fusion was common, and magnetic disruptions of the arc was a regular occurrence.

Being aware of the oxidation concerns with nickel welds and the benefits of low oxidizing CO2, I decided to try very small amounts of CO2 added to argon.The 1% CO2 did not oxidize the nickel welds and provided substantial weld benefits for MIG welding nickel alloys.

NICKEL AND CO2 CONTENT: When using straight argon, to maintain arc stability the wire feed rate was restricted. The 1% CO2 addition allows for increased arc stability through improved electron transfer without concern for oxidation contamination of the weld. The 1 % CO2 enabled higher wire feed rates which provided higher current capability improving weld fusion. The higher wire feed also allows higher automated / robot weld speeds and higher weld deposition rates for the nickel alloy welds. The 1% CO2 content also dramatically improved the weld fluidity of the sluggish nickel alloy welds improving the weld fusion potential.

Nickel alloys are sensitive to magnetic fields which disturb the MIG arc. The 1% CO2 assists in arc / electron stabilization, reducing the effects of magnetic disturbances and stabilizing the pulsed or spray weld transfer. After I stabilized the Nickel welds at higher than normal wire feed rates, I needed another gas addition to promote more weld energy for superior side wall fusion. I added helium.

HELIUM CONTENT: Some MIG gas mixes with 10 to 25% helium are recommended for Nickel alloy welds, however the weld effects are minimal. If you really want to add energy and fluidity to that weld, get the helium content up to 40%. Too much helium can add to the arc instability and also reduces the arc cleaning potential. As my 40% helium mix contains 1% CO2 you won't have to worry about the arc stability which is typically an issue with argon helium mixes.

You will pay more for my mix and possibly have to order it from a company that provides special gas mixes, however with the increased wire feed rate potential and superior weld fusion, you will reduce your weld labor costs by at least 30% and dramatically reduce the weld rework required on those costly nickel alloys.
This mix is also recommended for duplex applications in which additional weld energy is required. More info on this gas mix and its use for alloy welds is available in my Management Engineers guide to MIG book.

Argon- 40% Helium.

Typically straight argon works well on many spray and pulsed aluminum applications. When MIG welding aluminum parts thicker than 6 mm and improved weld fusion or less weld porosity is required, the solution is additional weld energy. The addition of helium provides more weld energy. It's important not to put to much helium into the mix as you can reduce the arc stability and the cleaning action. The larger argon molecules and reverse polarity are responsible for the aluminum oxide removal, (cleaning action).

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Welding Plastic

Plastic  welding is a process that brings two parts of plastic together through welding. The plastic is cheaper to repair rather than purchasing it new. Cracks, splits and even missing plastic can be repaired by following these steps

Remove the damaged plastic item. Clean damaged areas of the plastic with soapy water or a mild solvent degreaser. It must be clean of any fibers or molds.

Sand the area of the plastic needing repair. Use sandpaper of 80 grit. Round off edges and damaged areas. Join the damaged parts with foil tape.

Preheat plastic welding gun for 15 minutes. Determine the temperature needed for the plastic you are welding. Temperatures usually ranges between 500 to 550 degrees F. Moving the tip of the welding gun closer or away from the workpiece will help adjust the temperature.

Insert the plastic welding rod and damaged plastic into preheated welder. Feed the rod with a steady motion, moving the applicator tip along the joint. Allow enough time to cure. The rod will need to be of the same material as the object being welded.

Finish sanding. Use sandpaper with 150 grit. Then finish by covering the plastic with a water-based solvent

Metal Welding

About Metal Welding

  • Most welding is done on steel, though aluminum, copper and other metals can also be welded. Some types of welding require the use of gases that remove impurities from the weld area for a solid weld with a refined appearance. Electrodes and welding wire is used to melt the metal surfaces and provide joint material for the weld. Always wear a welding helmet with darkening glass, gloves, protective clothing and heavy shoes when performing welding operations.

Stick Welding

  • Stick welding, also called Shielded Metal Arc Welding, is the simplest type of welding to learn. Stick welding is forgiving of dirty or greasy surfaces. Selecting the right amperage for the metal's thickness is important, according to the Millerwelds website. The arc length should not exceed the thickness of the material. Holding the electrode too close to material will decrease the amperage. The rod should be held perpendicular to the surface with the top of the electrode held at a 5 to 15-degree angle as it is dragged across the material. Adjust the travel speed to keep the electrode at the leading one-third of the weld pool.

MIG Welding

  • Cleaning the metal before actual welding operations begin is required with Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding. A grinder will remove ruct or paint, and solvents or plain detergent and water will remove grease. Hold the torch so that you have a good view of the weld pool, and angle the torch at a 20-degree angle. The torch should not touch the metal. A zigzag or weaving motion ensures that both surfaces of metal receive the weld. Push the torch along rather than pull it to achieve the right coverage of shielding gas.

TIG Welding

  • Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding uses tungsten rod to make a neat, refined weld that looks good on metal surfaces that are highly visible. Clean the metal thoroughly before welding. Use the smallest electrode to do the weld to prevent erratic arcs and weld contamination, according to University of California writer Tom Bell. Different arc lengths are used for different materials. Strive for a straight, even weld with the shortest arc length required.

Resistance Welding

  • A different type of equipment that heats the metal at a fine point to join very thin materials is required with resistance welding. These machines require different sizes of electrodes for increasingly thinner pieces of steel. The current is applied quickly onto two pieces of metal to join them together at strategic points. These small welds are then refined and the part finished for a good appearance


Copper Welding

Copper and copper-nickel alloys are most often welded with the manual metal arc process, using a stick electrode coated with flux. This method is relatively inexpensive, but the metal inert gas process is faster and the tungsten inert gas process is used to make strong welds in complex joints.

                 What to do!

Employ 70-30 copper-nickel filler for alloys that contain at least 70 percent copper. The weld metal will be stronger than the base metal because of the higher nickel content. Use a longitudinal bend test to evaluate the strengths of test welds.

Remove all traces of elements that can cause cracking, especially lead, phosphorus and sulfur. This includes materials such as cutting fluids, grease, oil and paints. Copper-tin-zinc alloys are a source of these elements and should not be welded to copper-nickel alloys.


Use a square butt preparation to weld copper-nickel that is less than 3 mm and employ a beveled preparation for thicknesses greater than this.

Make the included angle wider than for carbon steel, usually greater than 70 degrees. The weld metal is not as fluid as those for carbon steels and will require more manipulation with the electrode to cause it to fuse with the side walls.

Weld down-hand if possible. This will allow a greater deposition rate and usually requires less skill. In the event that the structure is too large to turn, sub-assemblies should be manipulated for down-hand welding instead of operating in a less favorable position                                                                                                                   

Wire Welding Instructions

When metal is torn, or breaks, welding is the best way to fix the metal. Welding is reliable, strong and can sometimes give a metal piece a whole new life. Wire welding is a technical practice that can take years to learn properly. It takes a steady hand, and a calm technique. Learning some of the basics, and learning the tips that will keep you safe, is essential to becoming a good welder

MIG and FCAW welding

  • MIG welding, or wire welding, is one of the many techniques to weld metal. An electrode, or an electric conductor, is feed through a wire welding gun, which has a spool of metal wire coiled inside. As the wire is fed through the gun, an electric current is shot between the wire and electrode, melting the wire from the gun onto the metal you are welding. MIG welding uses gas fed through the welding torch to shield you from the electric current arc that passes between the wire and the electrode. FCAW method is similar to MIG welding, but it does not need a gas to shield the arc from the welder. The reason it does not need a gas shield is because the wire is infused with a flux core that shields the arc.

Learning to Weld

  • Learning to weld can take some time, so before moving to an actual project try practicing your technique on a piece of scrap metal. Using wire welding is quite simple. Press the trigger of your wire gun over the area that you wish to welding. After a few second you will begin to notice a bead of metal pooling over your intended area. You can then pull or push the gun along the intended weld. Pushing the welding gun tends to make for a more sleek and clean appearance.

Safety Equipment

  • When doing any kind of welding, it is important for you to practice safety precautions. Make sure to work in an area that is nowhere near flammable liquid or materials, as welding is a high heat practice. The welding arc of your gun is quite bright and hot, so it is important for you to protect your eyes and skin. Wearing a welding helmet will protect your face and eyes from the arc. Wear clothes that do not hang too loose, and wear a long shirt that does not have cuffs that hang. Flameproof welding gloves are also required when working with a wire welding gun


Gouging Methods

Gouging is a method used to melt or fuse metals in a narrow groove using compressed air. It is commonly used to weld joints together


  • There are four common gouging methods. They are mechanical, oxy-fuel, plasma arc and air carbon arc. Mechanical gouging is done through grinding and hand-milling and is widely used in metalworking shops. Oxyfuel gouging is performed using oxygen and fuel gas, while plasma arc gouging is an adaptation of plasma cutting. Carbon arc gouging is ideal for use in mild steel, copper and aluminum.


  • There are different gouging techniques used by welders. The three common gouging techniques are straight, side and weaving.


  • Basic gouging equipment includes torches, electrodes, gases and electric power. The type of equipment used depends on the application as well as the gouging method.

A Good Welder

A skilled welder will take steps to minimize spatter caused during the welding process. However, even skilled welders will eventually have a spatter or two to take care of after a welding project. Fortunately, you can clean up a messy weld without taking days to complete the project. With a little hard work, you too can have clean welds, even if you are not a welding expert. Also don't ever use a pneumatic chipping hammer to clean spatter or the flux of welds for it can weaken even the best welds.

Welding Spatter Clean Up Techniques

Sand small spatter with a file to level the spatter with the metal surface you welded. If the spatter is more than 1/16 inch in diameter, this method will take too long. Move to the next step.

Place a cold chisel at a 45-degree angle to the welded surface and butt it up against the spatter. Strike the top of the chisel with a hammer to chip the spatter off the metal object. Once you remove the bulk of the spatter, file down any residue. If you cannot remove the spatter with a chisel, move to the next step.


Heat the spatter with the torch you used to create the welds. This heat will liquefy the spatter. Slide the cold chisel across the surface of the spatter to remove it from the metal surface before it can have time to cool. File down any residue

Welding Precautions

Fire Precautions

  • Give careful attention to the welding work area. Remove all paper, boxes, paints and solvents from the work area. Remove all debris from the floor area to prevent accident ignition, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Welding frequently produces sparks that can ignite any combustible material near the work area. Keep a properly filled and inspected fire extinguisher on hand in the welding area.

Electric Shock

  • Make sure you are using the correct power supply for the type of welder you are using. Wear rubber-soled shoes or stand on an insulated mat when welding. Ensure that the electrodes are fully insulated. Examine cables and replace any that are worn or damaged. Never work where flooring is wet or near standing water. Turn off equipment when not in use.

Skin Protection

  • Wear long sleeves to protect arms from welding burns and gloves to protect hands from sparks. Long pants and heavy boots will protect feet and legs. Non-flammable sleeves, vests, aprons and other welding apparel are available at welding supply stores. Keep the neck area covered, a frequent spot injured by welding burns.

Eye Protection

  • Welding helmets protect eyes from corneal burns caused by welding arc flash. Check the helmet each time you weld to ensure that it is functioning properly and has the correct darkening glass to avoid burns on the eye. In addition, wear protective goggles when engaging in welding-related procedures such as grinding, drilling or removing welding slag.

Respiratory Protection

  • The heat, electricity and gases used in welding processes release compounds into the air that may be extremely hazardous. Welding produces oxide compounds of iron, zinc, aluminum, chromium and nickel, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Welding fumes have been associated with bronchitis, asthma, chronic lung infections and cancer, as well as short-term effects of dizziness, nausea, fever, muscle pain and chills. Always weld in a well-ventilated area and run fans to disperse welding fumes to the outside. Wear a respiratory mask to avoid breathing particulate matter. Set up a hood over the welding area to draw fumes away from the welder and surrounding area. Warn others nearby about the danger of welding fumes and have them wait in another area.

A Little Welding History


          Welding: –verb, to unite or fuse (as pieces of metal) by hammering, compressing, or the like, esp. after rendering soft or pasty by heat, and sometimes with the addition of fusible material like or unlike the pieces to be united. 2. to bring into complete union, harmony, agreement, etc.

          In this case we will be looking at the first definition as it has evolved through the ages. Welding was developed during the bronze and iron ages, and is still being perfected today. Early on, blacksmiths would have to heat two pieces of metal and then beat them vigorously until they bonded. Known as Forge-Welding, this process was exceedingly time-consuming and required some skill on the part of the blacksmith. Major advances came to welding in the 1900's and beyond. Various people experimented with the electric arc in the 1800's, but it wasn't for another eighty years that someone was able to use it for welding. Nikolai Bernardos, a Russian scientist, patented the first electric arc welding process using rods made from carbon. From there another Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov, decided to use metal electrodes. Soon after, the American C.L. Coffin released a coated metal electrode which is, with some variations of materials, what we know today as SMAW or shielded metal arc welding. SMAW is popular in maintenance and repair because the equipment is relatively simple and versatile. Though mainly used for iron and steel, it can also be used with aluminum, nickel and copper alloys. Around the same time, resistance, thermite, and oxyfuel welding were becoming popular, resistance welding being popular in the auto industry, thermite for the railroads, and oxyacetylene for anything that isn't too thick. Although acetylene was discovered in the 1830's, it wasn't practical until a good blowtorch was invented nearly seventy years later.

       Oxyacetylene welding was popular for quite some time because of its versatility and portability but recent advances have slowly started to trump the torch, at least in manufacturing. Metal inert gas, or MIG welding, followed closely on the heels of SMAW. MIG is a process where a spool of wire is fed through to the work area along with an inert gas such as argon or helium to shield the molten pool from atmospheric impurities. This process is often seen on television where dozens of robotic arms move in synch on a car assembly-line.

Flux-cored arc welding, or FCAW, is becoming popular in construction because it's quick, easy to automate and doesn't require too much expensive equipment. FCAW is similar to MIG in that a spool of wire is fed to the weld area. The biggest difference being that the FCAW wire has, as the name would imply, a core of flux in the wire, eliminating the need for a shielding gas; although an inert gas can be used in addition in order to stabilize the arc even more.

Further advances have brought us plasma welding and cutting, electroslag and electrogas, laser, and electron beam welding. Laser and electron beam welding techniques are on the rise as the cost of the equipment continues to drop. They are popular too because of the small amount of heat affected area, deep weld penetration, as well as being very easy to automate. The major difference between them is, electron beam welding occurs in a vacuum, where as laser doesn't.

All of the previous examples of modern welding require the application of heat, but there are several techniques that don't require nearly as much.

Explosion welding is a good technique for bonding two dissimilar materials. It is accomplished, as the name suggests, with explosives, which push the materials together so quickly and strongly that they bond. As cool as this sounds, explosion welding is limited to very simple shapes. Mostly it is used to clad something like steel, which can rust, with something like titanium which is corrosion resistant. It is complicated even further because of the need for knowledge of explosives that most laymen don't have. Another similar process is magnetic pulse welding, where magnets are used to slam two materials together very quickly over very short distances.

Another amazing process is friction, or friction stir welding. In this, two materials are basically rubbed together until they melt, fusing to one another. Of course this requires some complicated machinery but it is relatively fast and doesn't need a shielding gas.

It's amazing how much welding has evolved throughout the ages, especially recently with all of the technological advances being made. We've gone from beating together two hot pieces of metal, to melting them with fire, then the electric arc, all the way to using electromagnetic radiation to fuse materials together. Despite the method used, welding will always be an amazing and useful process.

Pulse Welding

Pulse welding is a process that makes welding easier with the same quality results. This method will most likely be attractive to any welder, but dealing with new equipment and techniques is not. If welders keep certain things in mind in relation to equipment, setup and procedure, they can successfully use pulse welding.

Pulse Welding Tips

Equipment Selection

  • According to Lincoln Electric, when the difficulty of pulse welding decreased, the availability of pulse welding equipment increased. Choosing the right equipment is important before welding even begins. Because pulse welding operates over a wider power range, choose pulse welding equipment capable of operating over vast power ranges. Pulse welding guns run hotter than the average welding gun, so users should consider larger, self-cooling guns for extended use.

Setup Tips

  • Besides following standard welding safety precautions, users should observe proper setup procedures specific to pulse welding equipment. A higher pulse requires better grounding, for instance, so users must be sure to establish safe electrical grounding for their equipment. Inductance is a problem with pulse equipment because it reduces pulse effectiveness. Minimize this problem by only using the length of cable needed and avoiding coiling cable.

Welding Tips

  • When operating pulse welding equipment, Welding Tips and Tricks recommends using the appropriate pulses per second (pps) for metal thickness. Applying higher pulses per second for increasing thickness is the rule of thumb. About 50 pps should be used for 0.125-inch thick steel, while 150 pps should be used for 1-inch thick metal shafts. The lowest amperage possible is best, but not so low that the metal takes too long to puddle. Weld in short stitches to avoid pulse distortion and weld as tightly as possible when dealing with metal joints


Cutting Tools

                Acetylene Torches
  • One of the most common cutting torches used by professionals, acetylene-cutting torches cut using a mix of oxygen and acetylene, which is the most efficient fuel source for welders, burning at 3,200 F when mixed with oxygen. Cuts are made as the heated acetylene-oxygen mix adds enough heat to a metal to make it oxidize and separate in the process, though like all oxy-gas cutting torches, it leaves oxidation, or slag, behind on the incision that must be removed with a grinder.

Oxyhydrogen Torches

  • Because of hydrogen's flammability and clean burning characteristics, it is sometimes used as a fuel for oxy-gas cutting torches, burning at about 2,800 F. Although not widely used in fabrication hops, oxyhydrogen torches are used to weld or cut aluminum or in fine details by artisans. Oxyhydrogen torches also leave slag on their cutting surfaces.

Carbon Arc Cutting

  • Rather than using a mix of oxygen and gas for fuel, carbon arc cutters heat metal to the melting point using the radiant heat from a carbon arc powered by an electric welder. As a carbon edge is drawn across a surface, electric current arcs between the welder and the metal, cutting the metal in the process. As the carbon arc heats the material, a blast of air blows waste material out of the channel and away from the cutting surface, which eliminates excess oxidation and slag. Carbon arc cutting is frequently used on stainless steel, aluminum and copper.

Plasma Cutting

  • Plasma cutters use a jet of superheated gas, called plasma, as their cutting edge. Where oxy-gas fueled cutters rely on oxidation to cut metals, plasma cutters simply punch through metal with their heated gas. Because of this, plasma cutters can cut non-oxidizing metals, such as aluminum and stainless steeel, upon which oxy-gas torches are ineffective. Requiring a shop setup and a water table to increase their efficiency, plasma cutters are a high-end cutting tool used only in fabrication shops.



Welding & Cuttting Tips

Welding Tips

  • Tips that are used for welding have a single hole in the end that directs the burning gas to the point that is being welded. A mixture of acetylene and oxygen is forced through this hole and ignited, causing a point of heat that is intense enough to cut through metal. Welding tips are manufactured in varying sizes, each one identified by a number. The higher the number, the larger the hole in the tip, and the thicker the metal it is able to cut. Welders need different sized tips. If they attempt to weld thin metal with an over-sized tip they will burn it, and if they attempt to weld thick metal with an undersized tip it will take too long to be efficient.

Cutting Tips

  • Cutting tips differ from welding tips in that the central hole in the end of the tip is surrounded by a series of smaller holes. The smaller holes serve as preheaters for the central oxygen flame that comes out of the central hole. As with welding tips, cutting tips are manufactured in different sizes to accommodate the gauge of metal that is being cut. To use a cutting torch, the operator applies the preheaters to the surface of the metal until it is got enough to glow red. He then activates the gas from the central cutting hole which removes the metal that has been weakened by extreme heat.

Two-Piece Tips

  • An alternative to the tips described above are two-piece tips, made from an inner core surrounded by an exterior copper flange, rather than from a single piece of metal with preheat holes drilled through it. While one-piece tips are designed to be used with acetylene, two piece tips are more appropriate for MAPP gas, or methylacetylene-propadiene propane. Many welders consider MAPP gas to be safer and easier to use than acetylene


Oxygen-acetylene welding

Oxygen-acetylene welding is a welding technique utilizing these two gases to produce a flame able to weld and even cut relatively thick plate steel. This technique requires specific types of welding tips that produce certain properties in the flame. These tips can be categorized into three general categories; single flame, multiple flame and specialty flame

Oxy Welding Tips

Single Flame

  • When the oxygen and acetylene mix to produce a flame, the properties of the flame differ depending on the percentage of oxygen in the mixture, creating neutral, carbonizing or oxidizing flames. Neutral and carbonizing flames are used to weld metals and oxidizing flames are used to cut metal. A single flame tip is typically only able to produce a single type of flame, meaning they are used as either welding tips or cutting tips but not usually both. The tips come in a variety of sizes and cost about $10 each. They can be purchased from on-line retailers and welding supply or home supply stores.

Multiple Flame

  • Unlike single flame tips that can corrode in the wrong type of flame, multiple flame tips can handle all three types of flame without degradation. This gives the tips and welder a wide range of abilities from a single tip. However, depending on the tip, there is sometimes a trade-off in precision as multiple flame tips don't always produce as precise a flame as a single flame tip. Multiple flame tips cost slightly more than a single flame tip, about $15 each, and can be purchased from on-line retailers and welding supply or home supply stores.

Specialty Tips

  • Oxygen-acetylene welders aren't limited to cutting and welding steel. There are a number of specialty tips available that enable the equipment to heat large areas of metal or use specialized gases for brazing non-ferrous metals. C-flame tips spread the flame over a large area, creating an excellent heating tool. Twin flame heads produce two flames for a wider cutting or welding area. Finally, other specialized tips enable the welder to use other gases such as propane or even gasoline. These tips vary widely in cost from about $10 to $50 depending on the specific head. They can be purchased from on-line retailers and welding supply or home supply stores


Arc Welding

Arc Welding

  • Arc welding, or what is referred to as stick welding, is popular due to its simplicity. Arc welding, unlike Mig and Tig welding, does not require a shielding gas, because as the electrode's coating disintegrates, it gives off vapors that work like a shielding gas. This is beneficial for do-it-yourselfers and for many companies, because it keeps costs low, as shielding gas is relatively expensive. All that is involved in Arc welding is an electrode that makes contact with the welding joint and fuses with the two pieces of metal. The Arc welder is simple, effective, and cheap


Tig Welding

Tig Welding

    Tig welding is the type of welding  use, professionals because it creates high-quality welds and has the ability to weld metals like aluminum and copper. Tig stands for tungsten inert gas. The tungsten is used in Tig welding to heat the welding area to join the two pieces of metal with or without a filler rod. The main difference between Tig welding and other types of welding is that Tig welding uses a tungsten electrode to heat the welding joint. Tungsten is non-consumable, meaning that it doesn't melt and become part of the welding joint like other types of welding. All you are doing with Tig welding is heating the welding joint with the tungsten. The drawback to Tig welding is the cost associated with obtaining a high-quality welder.

Mig Welding

Mig Welding

  • The Mig in Mig welding is short for Metal Inert Gas. The gas is typically carbon dioxide  or a combination of carbon dioxide and argon. The shielding gas is used to protect the area being welded from atmospheric gases, which if they came in contact with the weld area, would decrease the quality of the weld considerably. Mig welders work by automatically feeding an electrode at the press of a button shielded by the shielding gas. This is one of the easiest types of welding to learn and is perfect for beginners.


Simple Techniques

  Simple   Techniques 
  • A car’s fenders are among its most abused parts. Small rocks and road dirt, not to mention the road salt that eats away at them all winter long, continually assault the paint on the fender’s wheel openings. Over time, this abuse will eventually expose bare metal and lead to rust. Rust is metal’s natural enemy, and will eat away the fender’s metal before you know it. Fear not: Cutting out the rusted portion and replacing it with a metal patch panel can save that fender.
Single-Ply Flat Roofing Weld Techniques
Single-ply flat roofing membranes provide an economical and durable alternative to traditional asphalt roofs. As with metals that are conjoined, these roofing membranes require a permanent seal to prevent leakage and ensure that the roof remains intact. This generally requires some type of welding technique specifically designed for use with these roofs or similar materials.
Welding Techniques Using a DC Machine
Electric arc welding machines can employ either direct current, or DC, or alternating current, AC. For most general purpose welding of steel, DC welders offer better performance and ease of use. AC welders are superior when welding steel that’s become magnetized. When welding with DC current, there are certain basic techniques to follow if you want a solid welded joint. When welding, wear appropriate protective clothing and face shielding.
Metal Welding Techniques
Welding, the process of joining metals with the use of heat and electricity, encompasses a variety of techniques. The type of metal and the requirements of the weld determine which technique is used. Like many skills, proficiency in welding is learned in progressive steps of increasing difficulty. Simple stick welding is fairly easy to learn, but more advanced techniques require practice, patience and the right equipment.
Welding Spatter Clean Up Techniques
A skilled welder will take steps to minimize spatter caused during the welding process. However, even skilled welders will eventually have a spatter or two to take care of after a welding project. Fortunately, you can clean up a messy weld without taking days to complete the project. With a little hard work, you too can have clean welds, even if you are not a welding expert.
Boat Skeg Welding Techniques
A boat skeg is the extension of the keel of a small craft designed to improve steering. Boat motor skegs are easily damaged if they hit objects and can break off. These aluminum skegs can be repaired with gas metal arc welding, using a few basic techniques.
Welding Precautions
Welding is an industrial process that uses heat and electricity to join two pieces of metal. Because of the intensity of the power and heat used, welding creates a number of operating hazards. Always keep a first-aid kit on hand when welding. Using the proper safety precautions will protect welders from shocks, burns and long-term health risks from exposure to welding fumes.
Welding Joint Types
The weld joint is necessary to connect two or more welded parts to provide adequate strength and long-term safety. When you're choosing a welding joint for your project, consider whether pressure will be applied to the joined area and whether that pressure is constant or intermittent. The joint efficiency is also important (the ratio of the strength of the joint compared to the strength of the welded metal). There are four main types of welding joints.
Welding Gouging Techniques & Equipment
Gouging is a method used to melt or fuse metals in a narrow groove using compressed air. It is commonly used to weld joints together.
Pulse Welding Tips
Pulse welding is a process that makes welding easier with the same quality results. This method will most likely be attractive to any welder, but dealing with new equipment and techniques is not. If welders keep certain things in mind in relation to equipment, setup and procedure, they can successfully use pulse welding.
Different Flanges
Flanges may take many forms: they may be strengthening ribs, like the flange of an I-beam, or guides, like the flange of a train's wheel. However, one of the principal uses of the word "flange" refers to its use in plumbing as a means of joining pipes, valves or pumps. Typically, flanges are fixed to pipework systems with bolts, by soldering or through a combination of the two techniques.
Oxy Welding Tips
Oxygen-acetylene welding is a welding technique utilizing these two gases to produce a flame able to weld and even cut relatively thick plate steel. This technique requires specific types of welding tips that produce certain properties in the flame. These tips can be categorized into three general categories; single flame, multiple flame and specialty flame.
  •  Aluminum Fabrication Tips
Products made of aluminum are present everywhere in modern life. For example, aircraft, automobiles, marine, electricity, electronics, construction and the food industry use aluminum fabrications. Because aluminum is so versatile and malleable, it easily takes shape using different metalworking techniques, including casting, rolling, extruding, drawing, welding, machining and forging. Aluminum is a soft, lightweight, chemically-reactive metal that requires special techniques for fabrication. 
Types of Welding & Techniques
  • Welding is, in short, an art form. There are many different types of welding requiring different skill levels. Most beginners work with Mig welding or Arc welding, which are both relatively easy to work with. Tig welding, on the other hand, is a much more elegant style of welding that produces better welds and allows you to weld aluminum easier than other methods of welding. Tig welding should be left to the professionals who have the skills and resources necessary to purchase a Tig welder, which can cost thousands of dollars.
  • When metal is torn, or breaks, welding is the best way to fix the metal. Welding is reliable, strong and can sometimes give a metal piece a whole new life. Wire welding is a technical practice that can take years to learn properly. It takes a steady hand, and a calm technique. Learning some of the basics, and learning the tips that will keep you safe, is essential to becoming a good welder.